Protect Your Elders From Nursing Home Negligence And Abuse
Nursing homes and other elder care facilities are supposed to provide medical treatment and care for our loved ones. Unfortunately, instances of nursing home negligence and abuse happen far more often throughout Delaware than most people would like to believe. This type of treatment causes serious injuries, and even death, leaving families to deal with these problems on their own.
At the Michael C. Heyden Law Office, our firm offers representation for nursing home negligence and abuse cases. We know the warning signs and how to pursue claims against elder care facilities where this type of mistreatment is happening. You should not have to worry about how your loved one is being treated. You need an experienced advocate to obtain a recovery on your behalf — and Mr. Heyden has the decades of experience you deserve.
Watch For Signs Of Nursing Home Negligence
Some warning signs of nursing home negligence may include:
- Bed sores
- Medication errors
- Weight loss
- Unexplained bruises and other injuries
- Excessive sleeping
- Theft of a resident’s money or property
- Poor hygiene
In addition to neglect and improper care, there are also instances of physical abuse that happen in nursing homes and elder care facilities. Abuse can be either physical or psychological in nature. If you suspect your loved one is being abused or neglected, be sure to call an experienced attorney immediately.
Experienced Help For Nursing Home Residents And Families
If you believe your loved one is being mistreated or abused in a Delaware elder care facility, contact the Michael C. Heyden Law Office to get more information and to speak with an attorney about your situation. Call our Wilmington office for a free consultation at 302-416-4695 or toll free at 888-668-0590.