Strong Defense Against Assault And Violent Crimes Charges
Assault and battery are criminal offenses that can be punishable by fines, probation, or jail time, in addition to other possible penalties. Other violent crimes, as well as weapons charges, also carry significant consequences.
At the Michael C. Heyden Law Office, we defend clients throughout Delaware who have been accused of assault or another violent crime. Our lawyers understand the law and the criminal process and have the experience to skillfully defend the rights of our clients.
Given the seriousness of these charges, it is important to speak with an experienced attorney about your rights. Our firm is committed to mitigating the potential consequences of an offense and protecting your future.
Types Of Cases We Handle
Our firm provides defense for violent crimes that include:
- Assault
- Battery
- Weapons and gun crimes
- Domestic violence or abuse
- Robbery, burglary and violent property crimes
- Driving offenses
- Sex crimes
- Violent drug crimes
- Murder and homicide
Our experienced defense lawyers have successfully defended clients charged with these and other crimes in Delaware. We will provide you with an aggressive defense and protect your constitutional rights, including Miranda issues and evidentiary matters.
Contact Our Firm for Experienced Criminal Defense
For more information regarding a violent crimes arrest in Delaware, contact the Michael C. Heyden Law Office to speak with a lawyer about your situation. Call for a free consultation at 302-416-4695 or toll free at 888-668-0590.